About Us

TriStar Marketing Group, Inc. is a New Business Development Partner. We Uncover Opportunities, Qualify Their Potential, Plug You In If The Time Is Now, And Manage The Data If It's Later.
TriStar was founded in 1990 and is conveniently headquartered in Greensboro, NC. Unlike Lead Generation or Telemarketing Firms, TriStar partners with its clients to add on-going value during all phases of the sales process. The closest thing that would describe TriStar is an "Outsourced Inside Sales Department." TriStar partners with its clients to provide the regional and national coverage necessary to promote their products and services in the B2B marketplace.
TriStar won't leave you hanging. When TriStar hands a lead off to its clients, we have the added safety net of our Business Development Matrix. By maintaining ongoing dialogue with your sales team, your reps will receive all of the critical facts required to qualify an opportunity, plus they gain a "feel" for the flow of each conversation with the prospect. Our Bi-Directional Follow-up Process does not allow prospects the opportunity to become cold because TriStar is right there to resume managing that contact until you are ready to touch them again.
TriStar has launched successful New Business Development campaigns in a wide variety of industries and can stand alone or work as a complement to your existing sales staff. TriStar...when you're serious about growing your business.
TriStar Clients Include:
- Firms That Want To Free Up The Time Of The Owner Or Partners
- Those Who Are Responsible For Both Sales And The Daily Running Of The Business
- Large Corporations That Want To Maximize The Time In The Field Of Their Sales Reps
- Sales Partners Working Within A Branch Office
- Service Related Organizations
- Any Distributorship
- Financial Services
- Corporate Retirement & Benefit Providers
- Banking Industry
- Technology Providers
- E-Commerce & Web-Enabled Sales Organizations
- IT Consulting
- Data Equipment Architecture
- Tax & Audits Firms
- Commercial Roofing
- Automation Industry
- Engineering Firms
- Manufacturers
- Electrical/Electronic Industry
- System Integrators
- Community Beneficial surveys; i.e. Hospitals, Schools, Parks, etc.