Features & Benefits

Doing Business With TriStar is More Than Cost-Effective, It Actually Generates Revenue
- Rapid ROI
- No long-term contracts - you continue because of the results
- Reduces the number of calls required to close business
- Pin-pointed appointments with decision makers and "C Level" executives
In Addition to the Obvious Benefits of Lead Generation & Prospect
TriStar Secures its Clients' Position Through...
- Engaging you at a deeper level throughout the Sales Process
- Freedom from the time consuming aspect of the lead generation and qualification functions
- Increased focus for your business; you no longer have to "wear all the hats"
- Accurately recorded notes convey the facts and feel of each call, build customer rapport and result in more meaningful meetings
- Gaining time to focus on your core competency and closing business
- Enhanced image - you're the expert with an extremely competent support staff
- Differentiating your services early in the sales process
TriStar's Modular Approach Allows Us to Manage Your Business Development Needs on a One-time or Ongoing Basis.
- There's no need for long-term contracts or high priced minimums. TriStar offers varying programs to appropriately meet the level of involvement needed for each project.
- TriStar also offers Collateral Sales Support. By helping define what goes out in emails, letters and mailers, the client is guaranteed that their support material is pin-pointed to each call and that prospects are touched in a timely manner