- What makes TriStar a Business Development partner?
- How are you different from the other lead generation firms I've tried?
- What Other Benefits will I gain by using TriStar?
- Our business is complex, how can you represent us properly?
- How Flexible are your Services?
- Can TriStar interact within the parameters I already have in place?
- How will TriStar communicate my leads to me?
- How do I know you Protect and keep my data Confidential?
- How much is this going to cost?
- What about Guarantees?
- What do you mean by, "When you're serious about growing your business?"
Would I be a good fit for
What makes TriStar a Business Development partner?
TriStar has the capacity to stay engaged at deeper levels, manage a prospect beyond the initial cold call and add on-going value during all phases of the sales process. The closest thing that would describe TriStar is an "outsourced inside sales department." We become an integral and functioning part of your sales team.
TriStar tag teams with your sales staff to keep you actively engaged at qualified accounts. By integrating their proven New Business Development Process, TriStar will help you re-engage during long sales cycles or at lagging accounts. Your marketing position is strengthened and business is captured that may have otherwise fallen by the wayside.
Most companies handle their New Business Development needs in one of the following ways: They task their support staff, they hire a telemarketing firm or they require their outside sales team to generate their own leads. At best, these methods go in fits and starts, are fraught with problems and offer no consistency. TriStar is the answer. Our proven Business Development Matrix provides the qualified appointments needed to generate sales. Your sales staff is free to focus on the closing of business and your company will be better positioned in your target markets. A proven process along with commitment to ongoing and strategic planning is the key to our success. TriStar...when you're serious about growing your business.
How are you different from the other lead generation firms I've tried?
TriStar is not just a Telemarketing or Lead Generation firm; we are a New Business Development Partner. We utilize a Process Driven Methodology that formulates a specific blueprint for each calling campaign. TriStar does not read scripts, rather we utilize a comprehensive Marketing Matrix which ensures that your calling campaign enjoys quantifiable & measurable new business growth. In addition, our highly qualified staff engages in strategically planned conversations with prospects to allow the flexibility required to best position you at each account. We will book appointments for you and provide you with detailed call records that outline exactly what has transpired during our conversations. TriStar is very successful at generating the results our clients require. To see what they have to say, please visit our Testimonial Page.
What Other Benefits will I gain by using TriStar?
- Uncover business issues surrounding the Complex Sale
- Reduce number of sales calls required to close business
- Consistently filled hopper/sales pipeline
- Gain an audience with more qualified opportunities and "C Level" executives
- Strategic positioning into prospective accounts
- Maintain & attract top outside sales talent
- No more missed opportunities due to "dropped balls"
- Perceived increased depth of services and staff
- Confidence that all prospecting tasks are scheduled and thereby free mental energy to close business
- Develop & retain relationships because "people do business with people"
- Re-engage & Capture opportunities that appear to have been lost or uncovered too late
Our business is complex, how can you represent us properly?
TriStar's exclusive Marketing Matrix allows us to understand your business so that we can accurately and powerfully speak about your products & services. From it, we are able to qualify the opportunity to your specifications. Our specialty is the Process of New Business Development ; this is a skill set that is not product specific, and therefore, it is repeatable regardless of industry. It is important to note that TriStar is generating the opportunity for YOU to meet with the client; we do not engage the prospect in conversations that are more appropriate for your sales staff. We portray ourselves as being part of your support team; you are the expert in your industry. Our business is getting you in front of the right people at qualified accounts.
How Flexible are your Services?
TriStar utilizes a Modular Approach which allows each client to customize their New Business Development campaign. We can manage your entire database or just strictly generate qualified appointments to help you meet your sales goals. We service clients on a nationwide basis and can handle the rigor of dealing with multiple time zones. TriStar can also support you by collaborating on what collateral material is needed to support your calling efforts. We can generate critical reminders and customized activity reports. As long as your application is B2B, we can help you meet all of your New Business Development needs.
Can TriStar interact within the parameters I already have in place?
TriStar seamlessly integrates with your existing sales support staff. Think of us as an Outsourced Inside Sales Department. We coordinate all activities with the "point person" designated by you. The only difference you should notice is an increased level of qualified appointments on your calendar!
How will TriStar communicate my leads to me?
TriStar understands that time is money. We only send you the information that requires your attention. Our easy to understand Reports clearly define action items and next steps. Clients rest assured that having things "slip through the cracks" is a thing of the past. All important tasks are tracked and alarmed for time sensitive follow-up. TriStar can generate Customized Summary Reports to Track Progress and deliver its findings in both print and electronic formats.
How do I know you Protect and keep my data Confidential?
- Data never leaves TriStar
- All work is supervised and performed onsite at TriStar
- Data is regularly backed up and stored in multiple secure locations
- Only authorized persons at TriStar and at the client have access to reports
- Information is never shared between databases
- All employees are contracted under Confidentiality Agreements
How much is this going to cost?
The more appropriate question is what will it cost if I don't engage TriStar. TriStar initiates sales that positively impact your bottom line and during a sustained relationship actually pays for itself many times over. We are so confident that you will be pleased that we do not require the long-term contracts and pricey set up fees other companies demand. Please Contact Us to discuss how TriStar can help you with your project.
What about Guarantees?
TriStar works with every client to ensure that products and services are being marketed to the most viable prospect list. TriStar will uncover, qualify and manage every prospect per the client's specification; however, it is the responsibility of the client to close the business.
What do you mean by, "When you're serious about growing your business?"
A lot of people say they want to grow their business, but they lack the time, focus or commitment to get the job done. TriStar knows what it takes and is committed to positioning you for new business growth. We open doors for you to have an audience with decision makers. So, when you're serious about growing your business... Call TriStar ; we'll get you in!
Would I be a good fit for TriStar Services?
TriStar works with clients that provide a product or service to B2B markets. We do not discriminate by size and our clients run the gamut from being publicly traded companies to small one person offices. Please Contact Us to discuss your project.